ChangRubber is a manufacturer of premium vulcanized rubber sheet base in Phatum Thani, Thailand. Our full range of R&D equipment, professional skilled worker, and up to date high technology production line has bring us to the top player in this rubber sheet industry. With major export to Europe, USA, Australia, Korea and other major developed country.

With our compliance with major certification organization like SGS, PAK,
REACH, RoHs, and FDA, at the same time we are also an ISO 9001 certified company.

Our full range of high accurate R&D equipment, every compound is carefully blended with our special formula to make sure the stunning end result with excellent performance. Start with moony viscometer and Rheometer to make sure the accurate timing of curing, follow by our high precision Temperature humid chamber, ozone test machine, abrasion test machine, the final product is tested with FTIR machine, TGA machine, flex tester, tensile strength test, elongation at break and compression set.

ChangRubber production line are equipped with latest technology machinery. From automated weighing chemical selection to make sure every chemical is pick up at the right ratio, advance auto roll compounding machine is the key to make sure that all chemical and rubber are well mixed before proceed to the next production. Our liquid phase compounding technology are also one of the top notch in the industry, this ensure dispersion of the nanoparticles agglomerates in liquid medium, effecient mixing of components of the powder blend. The nanocomposites ontained exhibit increased levels of strength and elasticity. High precision calendaring machine that give high accuracy to control the thickness tolerance to 0.1mm, then this output are to go thru our refined rotocure machine. This rotocure are top high technology machine in Thailand and its region, our final product are with perfectly smooth and shining surface.

With our experienced and skill professional worker we make sure every roll of our product meets the highest quality standard and meets our customer expectation. ChangRubber professional production team and quality control team compromise nothing but quality, our quality control practice more tight tolerance than those set by RMA (Rubber Manufacturer Association), each and every product that stamp with ChangRubber logo are with finest quality.

This presentable ChangRubber logo packing are outstanding than those conventional plain packaging.

ChangRubber series of premium rubber sheet are tailored to the finest to withstand extreme application and condition, all raw material are human safe at daily contact. With FDA certification ChangRubber rubber sheet meets the highest standard for food grade application. ChangRubber manufacturer are with ISO 9001 standard which further improve the quality standard. All our final product are pack with our outstanding ChangRubber packaging.